Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Attachment Bricks and Mortar

Imagine watching someone build a brick wall without mortar. The wall will be weak and will not last because it has nothing to hold it together. The person building the wall is wasting his time.

Now imagine the same person building a brick wall using mortar between the bricks. Initially the wall is not strong, but as the mortar hardens, the wall becomes very strong. It will provide safety, security, and comfort, and is almost indestructible.

Attachment is very similar to the wall described above. The “bricks” of attachment are the every day actions of parents: feeding her when she is hungry, changing his diaper when he soils it, soothing her when she is in distress, and many more. If these are the only interactions that a care giver has with a child, however, the attachment will not be very strong or secure. It takes “mortar” to make the attachment strong. The mortar in attachment is the interactions that come so naturally between parents and their child—eye contact, cooing, baby talk, smiling, physical contact, tickling, and a million others! Without those interactions, the attachment will be very insecure.

A child who has been institutionalized most likely has gotten the bricks, but almost certainly has not gotten the mortar, so it will take time for secure attachment to develop. Let’s put this into perspective. If a typical day includes 100 interactions between parent and child (and this is a very conservative estimate), then a 12 month old child in a loving home has received 36,500 of these interactions. A 12 month old child who has been institutionalized, however, has missed out on those. If you adopt a one year old child who has been institutionalized, then there is some catching up that needs to take place!

What a joy it is as an adoptive parent to watch the mortar begin to harden and to see secure attachment begin to develop! It will take time and it will take work, but it will be well worth it!


Anonymous said...

Can't wait to read more! This blog is a great idea!

Jane and Jim said...

I agree, it's a wonderfun idea!
Thanks for putting your time in to do this for us PAP's and AP's!

JMH said...

Been hoping for this from the trusted , AAI!!! Can hardly wait for more info~

BGK said...

Please don't forget domestic adoptees who were left to sleep-train, or not placed for several months until it was discovered what color we would be.

I think this is a wonderful idea...exploring attachment in adoption. Helpful for parents, vital for adoptees.

Natalia said...

Great blog- attachment is such an important issue to adoptive parents. When you have a chance, I'd love to hear your feedback on my blog at http://attachmentinadoption.blogspot.com/

Freedom Of Speech Blog said...

Families Reunited Travel Fund One in a million appeal

This is a Appeal for Donations,Volunteers, and Media Publicity.

We realize times are hard and you allready help other good causes this one simply puts a smile

on many peoples faces please help in any way you can.

Families Reunited Travel Fund is a new non profit orginization and this exciting idea was set

up by 2 freinds Andy Peacher and Bob Honecker after bob found his birth parents after 47 years

bob has had travel issues meeting his new found family so we had this idea which will help a lot

of people worldwide.

We realized no other service exsists There are internet based and other agencies that can trace

people but no one actually can fund the travel for reunion.

Families Reunited Travel Fund Needs The Goodwill and the kind hearted donations to provide much

needed help to vulnerable families. Your money for example, enables us to continue to Provide

Travel and Accomodation for Parents and Biological Children to unite What ever The Reason for

being apart or displaced through adoption fostercare we can help People through the generosity

of your donation to complete that family bond once again.

The Donations you can provide is by cash.

We need Fundraisers Walks,Swimming,Jumble Sales,Sponsor events to name a few.


We have People Worldwide wanting to meet their loved ones after Adoption or Fostercare.

Website Owners please Place our link on your site and share Our Link Url and we will share


The birth and success of this service depends on the good will of everyone please help us to

help families Worldwide.

We need foster care and adoption agencies to support this idea and the media to show the world

what a exellent idea this is.

Families Reunited Travel Fund 2013 Sponsored by Freedom Talk Radio

Andy & Bob

Skype freedomtalkradio2013


UK 01754 868039